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Status and Timeline


The current state of the MORE WATER Project is Phase 3.


The following indicates the current timeline for completion of the six-phased planning process.
Phase 1: Reconnaissance Study
Initiated in April 2003, the principal goal of Phase I was to identify opportunities to divert unappropriated flows from the Mokelumne River for storage and beneficial use  for San Joaquin County.  Released April 26, 2005, the MORE WATER Project Phase I Study Report identified five project alternatives.
Phase 2: Water Availability Analysis
Phase 2 consisted of the development of the Mokelumne Calaveras Simulations Model (MOCASIM), designed to simulate water storage and diversion operations on the Mokelumne River.  MOCASIM is capable of analyzing various operating strategies of Pardee and Camanche Reservoirs on the Mokelumne River, assessing water availability for San Joaquin County, and simulating the MORE WATER Project diversion alternatives.  MOCASIM also incorporates future water supply developments in the American and Calaveras River watersheds.  MOCASIM development was completed in December 2006 and will be utilized to evaluate the project alternatives identified in Phase I. 
Phase 3: Feasibility Analysis
Phase 3 involves the completion of an engineering feasibility study that will examine MORE WATER Project alternatives in more detail in order to select a preferred alternative to carry forward into a Project CEQA Analysis in Phase 5.  Tasks for Phase 3 will include alternative screening, survey geotechnical investigation, flood hydrology, environmental constraints analysis, engineering design and alternative formulation, Mokelumne River operations simulations, alternatives analysis and evaluation, implementation plan, and feasibility study report.
Phase 4a:  IRWMP
Released in July 2007, the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) defines and integrates water management strategies and establishes a management action plan needed to meet the County's water management objectives.  The IRWMP also serves as an implementation document for the Integrated Conjunctive Use (ICU) Program.  The ICU Program will implement a menu of projects and actions to ensure the sustainability and reliability of the County's water resources.  The MORE Water Project is one of the proposed projects to be implemented under the ICU Program. 
Phase 4b:  PEIR
Phase 4 will also consist of the development of a programmatic environmental impact report (PEIR).  The PEIR will detail the environmental analysis of the ICU Program operations in the Eastern San Joaquin County Groundwater Basin as recommended by the Phase I:  Reconnaissance Study.
Phase 5:  CEQA/NEPA
During Phase 5, a project-specific environmental document will be prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in order to facilitate the water right permitting process with the State Water Resources Control Board for Water Right Application 29835 on the Mokelumne River.  To meet federal requirements, the environmental document will also comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Phase 6: Permitting, Design, & Construction
In December 2006, a draft U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Appraisal Study concluded that there is potential Federal interest in participating in a cost-shared feasibility study and EIS/EIR for the MORE WATER Project.  If the Project does not gain Federal support, the Project will continue with all studies and documents required to complete the water right permitting process with the State Water Resources Control Board.  The development of A final project design will follow and the necessary permits and rights of way will be obtained to move the Project into construction.