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About the Project

Opportunities to provide water to San Joaquin County are heavily constrained by current uses and availability.  About 60% of the County's water demand is dependent on groundwater.  Moreover, the groundwater basin underlying the County is faced with groundwater overdraft, a condition whereas groundwater is pumped out of the basin more often than it is replenished by natural or artificial means.  Groundwater overdraft also threatens groundwater quality by making way for the Delta's saline waters to migrate into the reaches of fresh groundwater sources. 

In addition to the basin's troubling health, the region's water sources is also constrained by development of the region's sources for uses outside of the region.  The MORE WATER Project was developed to help remedy these issues and, therefore, is vital to sustain future social, economic and social viability.

The MORE WATER project seeks to develop new water storage facility to capture flood flows from the Mokelumne River and regulate water supply to an integrated system of conjunctive use projects.  MORE WATER will provide additional storage capacity and water supply reliability for San Joaquin County which is home to nearly 700,000 people, a number that is expected to double by the year 2040.

Strategies of the MORE WATER Project include off-stream storage, direct river diversions, and other options to be explored.  Potential benefits provided by the alternatives include:

  • Up to 157,000 acre-feet per year of new water supply
  • Up to 8-10 megawatts per year of new hydropower supply
  • Decrease in groundwater overdraft
  • Less saline intrusion into basin
  • Increase in water supply reliability for San Joaquin County and the Bay-Delta Region

For more detailed information on the MORE WATER strategies, click here.

When completed, the MORE WATER Project will provide water to decrease groundwater overdraft, prevent saline intrusion and improve water supply reliability for San Joaquin County and the Bay-Delta Region.

Why MORE is needed

Water Resource Challenges
Project Benefits
Advisory Group
Status and Timeline